Wednesday 28 February 2007

Dialysis and religion

Last nights dialysis went fine, felt a bit light headed at the end but my target weight and blood pressure were ok. I watched a tv programme called "The retreat" which was fascinating, it has taken 6 individuals to Spain to study islam and live in an islamic retreat. This was the 1 of 3 episodes. I actual woke up during the night thinking about something one of the leaders said " Look around you, can you believe that it all can be explained by science - the amazing way things fit together, the beauty...." I have been thinking about this for a long time now and it is beginning to focus my mind more on the importance of oneself and the realisation of onces presence being so fundamentally extraordinary.

When asked by people are you religious - or even when people presume I am religious I feel a sense of trepedation. What should I say - I know that I believe in the above statement but I certainly do not believe in all of the bible or the koran. I find it baffling that so many people beleive it word for word. Indeed I think this increased radicalism from all religions is causing more harm than good. The radicalisation (including the President Bush) places barriers in front of ones eyes and instantly makes one polar to other thoughts and beliefs.

My family comes from opposite sides of the religious spectrum. One member of the family is a priest (in his late 20's) another is an non believer (well a believer in science..) I find both great company and both offer much to the world.

Facing death. I have on a number of occassions occupied the thought of death and I suppose have been pretty close to it from a young age. When I was young death was an event which occurred, it did not carry much baggage and was not feared greatly. As one grows older death becomes more of a hinderance.. I am certainly not afraid of dying, I don't want to die at the moment as I have no pain and live a good life but if it comes well so be it. I don't think I will turn to religion based on the concept that I may go to hell because I believe I have lived a good moral life and have fullfilled my criteria. My main fear of death is more focused on those that I may leave behind, I presume this is a normal thought process but it is amazing how strong that feeling is.

I will come back to the topic of religion and death in a individual post. I think it is an important to think about and it interests me.

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