Tuesday 20 November 2007

Day 17

So it is 17 days since the transplant. Things are looking positive at the moment. The doctors are keen to get past the 3 week stage as this is when they have seen the most rejection in the type of treatment I have had.

I am feeling good - my body is adjusting to having been sliced open again and I am gaining strength and energy. I am still taking it pretty easy and trying not to do to much. I think that by a month I will start to do some longer walks etc. I could do it now but think it is wise to let the body build up slowly.

I ahve just finished writing a document for the doctors at Southmead about a patients perspective on desensitization protocol. I felt this was important as it illustrated how good the team was and suggested some things that would make the process easier.

I still aim to do a full update on the last 2 weeks and a bit as I feel that anyone going through this treatment may find it interesting and informative.


Anonymous said...

Hi Ian
We are following your blog and getting news from your mum.Well done so far!Holding thumbs that there will be no rejection and that you'll cruise past the 3 week stage.
I wonder how far you are walking? in the street or in country areas away from people?
Are you in any pain? it must be great to be off dialysis. I'm not sure if you have a catheter or can pee naturally.
Keep up the optimistic spirit.
Love from Penny Purchase in wet, drizzly KZN

JaneyD said...

Hi Ian
Chris Purchase told me about you. He walks (very enthusiastically!) at my branch of Run/Walk For Life in Hilton. My son aged 22 (Ian!)is about to have his left kidney removed; it is not functioning due to a congenital blockage. It is good to hear of and read of your positive attitude through much more hectic ordeals than this! May you go from strength to strength.

Jane Dickinson (not so wet and drizzly today!)