Wednesday 24 October 2007

mini cheddars, tea and clapton

I am sitting here drinking tea, eating mini cheddars and listening to Eric Clapton. I have an urge to eat mini cheddars - I used to get this urge when I was young and ill. Weird. Perhaps it is the bicarbonate in them?

I read something interesting the other day - if you have a desire to chew or such ice there is a change that you need more iron and could be anaemic. This must be some sort of evolutionary thing - iron from hard objects?

I had a letter from a journalist today who noticed the article in the evening post. She wants to write an article on my experiences and try and get it submitted to the main uk papers. I am a bit hesitant - not sure I want my life story displayed on the papers. Might land up being persuade by the paparrazzi :-) I will probably contact her and see what she is thinking of doing.

I think I know what it is like being a caged animal. It is almost ten weeks since I have been in quarantine. I have basically not been into shops or into groups of people. My life is to go to hospital and then back to the flat. Sometimes on a Sat I visit my parents or brother. We got stuck in a traffic jam last Friday going to my Brothers - for about 1.5 hours. It is the first time I actually enjoyed it - just looking at society and peoples emotions. A caged animal must get pretty bored - although perhaps there brains don't think the same as ours. But I am sure they are conditioned to be moving about and exploring.

I am finding that my concentration span is declining - I find it hard to focus on something for extended periods of time. This I am sure is from low hb - basically not getting enough oxygen to the brain - when you think your brain needs more oxygen and if you have low hb it requires energy to do this and you get tired.

Nothing else to report..

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