Monday 8 October 2007


Had a good weekend. Plasma was fine on Friday morning. Drove down to my parents after and had sleep in the afternoon. My brother and sister in law drove down from Woking with my 2 month old niece.

On Saturday we had a good day going to Lyme Regis and playing mini golf (outdoors so did not come to close to other people and when we had a ice cream I did not eat the cone because my hands had been touching the ball, club and mini golf course and I had not washed my hands.) we followed this with England and France winning the Rugby. On Sunday drove back to Bristol for dialysis. My niece is lovely - growing fast and is lucky to have such good parents.

Dialysis was fine although I had a badheadache afterwards - thought this was from being dry but not so sure now. Have increased target weight by 1kg but this did not seem to help?

Plasma this morning was fine. Although my hb has dropped to 7.3 - I thought it has stabalised. This is now getting low. The doctor has upped my eypo but this takes at least a month to start working. They took cross matching bloods, the doctor did not arrive to collect them so I took them directly to the consultant. I think the blood unit were amazed that I was phoning my consultant on his mobile. But that seems to work best all round. As things are quite complicated with all the procedures at the mo.

The next potential date for transplant seems to be the 2nd Nov but this is not set in stone. If the treatment works before then I would guess that they will do the transplant sooner than later - helping to reduce the time I am being immunosuppressed.

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