Tuesday 18 December 2007

Getting active

So I am now into the seventh week of the transplant and at present things are going well. My creatinine seems to have settled below the 140 level.

I have also now started to control what I eat - in terms of calorie intake. For the first 6 weeks I ate as much as I could of anything, I think my body needed the nutrients and to restock after the past 3 months of treatment. I increased my body weight by just under 10% to around 71kg.

This weekend I went for a walk in the dark near my parents house. It takes you through a forest and then up a steep hill. It was good to be walking again and in the cold fresh air - I could feel that I have lost quite a bit of fitness and general overall body tone. My lower back and hip regions continued to hurt, I will have to monitor this. I spoke to the doctor about it and he was at first a bit concerned that it might be actual hip joint problem which is common in kidney patients. But as I have no mobility problems and the pain is mostly muscular - he said it was probably nothing serious.

I will continue the walking and exercise regime. I actually think it helps with kidney function? I will also attempt to eat more sensibly and keep my weight controlled. I expect to put on a bit more weight as I get fitter but in muscle.

I have had my steriod dose lowered again which should help reduce my appetite and reduce the fluid I am carrying.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

So pleased to read of your good progress and plans for the 2008 Marathon. Keep warm and well and we hope to see you soon. Pam