Saturday 1 September 2007

Desensitisation Protocol

What is it all about?

Having already had 2 kidney transplants that have had varied life spans my body has been exposed and thus sensitised to a number of antibodies. The kidney they want to use for the next transplant (a fmaily member) has one of these antibodies and thus my body would attack the organ if it was transplanted without precautionary treatment.

This treatment is called desensitisation, it has not been carried out at my unit yet but has been succesful in the states and London.

The basic idea behind the programme is to remove that antibody and prevent it from growing back and attacking the kidney.

The treatment includes plasmaphersis and the use of Rituximab an antibody killer. This is carried out until the antibodies reach the correct level and the transplant is carried out. I am not going into any more detail here, I will do it as I blog the progress.

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