Friday 7 September 2007

Pictures of dialysis

Some images from dialysis last night. I took these pictures - not great quality but they give you the idea.

The dialysis maching above with tubes attached. I have learnt to set the machine up which often saves time.

This is called the kidney. It basically does the job of the kidney using osmosis and diffusion. It draws the waste that your kidney get rid of and it also removes water.

My arm - you can see the bump (vein) and the red marks where they place the needles.

All hooked up - the blood leaves through the bottom needle and returns through the top needle.

The machine working...


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the pictures/ I am starting hemodialysis soon and I'm a little nervous.... Knowlege makes makes it less scary!

Renal In Red Deer !!!

Anonymous said...

Don't be worried about stating Dialysis. It's after ou've been on it for 5 years that you'll really go mental. Oh and drink everything you can now cause after treament starts it's only 24 oz a day for all liquids.