Sunday 2 September 2007


Dialysis went ok today. Arrived at 1 and set the machine up. Got on at 1.30 and away by 6 pm. Sundays are good - no waiting around. Normal wait time is between 1 to 2 hours. That can be a real drag.

Going to try and get a fairly early night tonight - after match of the day. Have followed the doctors orders to eat calcium to stop me becoming hypocalciumic during plasmapheresis. Basically been eating cheese and drinking milk..

Not much else to say. Emotionally feel pretty stable and have not got butterflies yet. I am not looking for to having all the drugs put into me - basically in one day I will go from having a pretty normal immune system to basically nothing. But it is best not to think of that. I am given anti viral drugs and antibiotics to to and offer some protection.

It makes me think when people complain about having to take antibiotics - come and join my world tomorrow, that would stop the complaining.

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